A Future Unknown- Uncontrollable Monotypes
2/7/2020 "A Future Unknown" 5x7 Monotype print on 8 1/2"x11" paper Emmalee Powell A future unknown. A path I feel but can't see. Can I...
2/7/2020 "A Future Unknown" 5x7 Monotype print on 8 1/2"x11" paper Emmalee Powell A future unknown. A path I feel but can't see. Can I...
And here are some of my more realistic portrait paintings from a series when I traveled to Ghana and interviewed Christians and their...
Emmalee Powell Truth Oil and mixed media 2019 14x14 - Seeing my mess knowing it’s true. I can’t change the mess. But can I find someone...
Emmalee Powell Torn and Flaky 13x13 panel Oil and mixed media 2019 22k gold leaf frame What is so carefully hidden, is coming through for...
This morning I was asked for my personal story behind this painting. I painted it about a year ago while teaching a group of women about...
I really like this news article about my art show written by Anna Morgan in BYU’s Daily Universe. She did a really great job articulating...
Wading Waiting in the Mess Pool of sludge and oil. Bathroom scum and I toil. A body full of blood. Rupturing organs. A broken house. A...
One of the repeated themes I notice as I paint is feeling in the midst of storms and “Calming the Storm.” Or the aftermath of storms....
”Have compassion on yourself” #167 Where is Jesus in This Mess. 7x7. I’m learning to have compassion and care for myself. To pay...
Brene Brown is one of my favorite authors and speakers. In a way my Jesus in the Mess series is about exploring vulnerability and...
“The coming storm.” These three paintings represent my anxiety about moving forward. When I’m stuck in the moment of inaction because of...
“O God, where art thou?” When in a mess I often question the presence of God. ”Peace be unto thy soul.” He assures me He is there often...
“Do not fret over how much time you have left, Everley. You will have enough to accomplish the task we have set forth,” (Emily King,...
Just finished today. “Trust God. Trust yourself. Trust the process.” 8x8 painting in a 12x12 rustic wood frame I made too. This process...
Art in progress. I wanted to work on a bigger painting today, but I felt overwhelmed by the thought of it, so here are small ones I...
Anxiety, depression, and adhd make the perfect storm for not sleeping and having a hard time relaxing Catatumbo Lightning. Everlasting Storm