Ornaments and Prints
2019 Parade of Homes
Shop Original Art
Jesus- Where is Jesus in This Mess?
Portraits and Ghana
Grandma's Paintings
Etsy Shop
Mud Paintings
Green Paintings
Brown Paintings
Framed Art
Purple Paintings
Red Paintings
Blue Art
$75 and under
Black paint
Torn and Flaky
Ghana Paintings
? 3x4 What is this?
8x8 Chin held high
8x8 Looking up from mud
?8x8 stained mud
8x8 Ink residue on mud
11x14 Discarded
5.5x10.5 Recovery by Layers
8x8 Reaching Down
8x8 Disappearing
10x10 Looking Down
8x8 Ghost of the future past
8x8 Coming through
? 5x5 Falling Apart
10x10 Layers
10x10 Layers mud painting on wooden panel
10x10 mud painting on wooden panel
5.5x5.5 Layers mixed media
8x8 Gethsemane